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Tax Agency to Reduce Audit by 5%

Posted June. 13, 2008 07:57,   


National Tax Service Commissioner Han Sang-ryul said yesterday, “We’re planning to conduct some 18,300 cases of tax audits this year, a 5-percent decrease from last year.”

Han said in a meeting with CEOs of member companies at the Federation of Korean Industries building in Seoul that day, “Mainly companies who fail to file return will be audited this year.”

He said, “As Federation of Korean Industries members are the tax agency’s major customers who account for 46 percent of the entire corporate tax revenues, we’ll carry out pro-business tax administration. However, we’ll not serve tax evaders.”

To the request from business leaders to improve the practice of selecting companies to be audited and the operating system, he answered, “We’re planning to set up a committee, in which outside commissioners participate to deliberate the criteria for selecting companies subject to audit.”
