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Korean, U.S. Beef Firms Mulling Cow Age Limit

Posted June. 07, 2008 08:39,   


Korean beef importers are considering a resolution with U.S. beef exporters to voluntarily prevent the trade of beef from cattle aged 30 months or older.

Park Chang-kyu, the head of the provisionally named Korea Meat Importers Association, said yesterday, “Korean beef importers will come up with measures to voluntarily ban the import of U.S. beef from cattle aged 30 months or older.”

“Among 430 domestic meat importers, 70 mainly import beef from the U.S. When asked whether they agree to the voluntary regulation, most of them said yes.”

Park said the importers are trying to agree on a resolution with U.S. beef exporters, adding, “Since we’re still in the discussion phase, we cannot say when the resolution will come.”

Lee Ui-hyeong, head of the Meat Business Consulting Center in Seoul, said, “I’ve heard that U.S. exporters are trying to understand Korea’s situation and reach a solution beneficial both for Korea and the U.S.”

“U.S. exporters think they can ship beef from cattle younger than 30 months if Koreans question the safety of U.S. beef. The U.S. is not too desperate to export beef to a nation that hates meat from cattle older than 30 months.”
