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Great Gaya Kingdom Artifacts Discovered After 1,600 Years

Great Gaya Kingdom Artifacts Discovered After 1,600 Years

Posted May. 22, 2008 09:05,   


Since 1977, more than 1,000 items have been found at the grave site of the Great Gaya Kingdom in North Gyeongsang Province for the first time. Daedong Cultural Heritage Institute, a buried cultural property research firm, said, “Since last May when the excavation project began, some 1,000 items from the Great Gaya Kingdom, including a long knife with a phoenix-decorated ring and some 100 steel pieces that were used as money, have been discovered.”

These are the items discovered at the graves: ① eight knives tied together ② saw tooth pattern clayware ③ wave pattern clay bottle ③ handle of a long bronze knife decorated with phoenix.