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Obama Leads Clinton in Super Delegates

Posted May. 12, 2008 03:07,   


Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama won Hillary Clinton for the first time in the race for super delegate endorsements.

The New York Times reported on Saturday that Obama had 266 super delegates leading Hillary with 264.

Since mid-February, Obama has surpassed Clinton in the race for the number of elected delegates, while he has lagged behind her in the number of super delegates. By leading in the number of the super delegate endorsements, it is regarded that Obama has de facto won the primary.

Obama, with 1,859 delegates, needs 166 more to become the Democratic nominee.

The Associated Press also reported that Obama had 276 super delegates overtaking Hillary with 271.5.

On a campaign trail on Friday in Oregon, where the primary will be held on May 20, Obama heard the news that he won the race for the number of super delegates for the first time. The senator said that “This is strong evidence that I can integrate the party and I will be the nominee who can beat John McCain.”
