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Assets of Presidential Secretaries Average 1.8 Billion Won

Assets of Presidential Secretaries Average 1.8 Billion Won

Posted May. 08, 2008 08:27,   


Personal assets of President Lee Myung-bak`s 35 secretaries are worth an average 1.77 billion won (US$ 1.75 million).

On Wednesday, the government`s ethics committee disclosed the family wealth of 73 newly-appointed first- and second-tier government officials, excluding chief presidential secretaries, cabinet members and ministers.

The average value of family assets of those surveyed is about half the value of cabinet members (3.25 billion won) and chief secretaries (3.56 billion won). When calculated based on personal assets and the assets of their spouse, excluding those of immediate family members, the average wealth stands at 1.66 billion won.

Among first-tier secretaries, vice-spokesperson Kim Eun-hye topped the list with 9.73 billion won, largely derived from a building in southern Seoul that her husband inherited from his late father. The property is valued at 8.79 billion won.

The second richest official is Choi See-joong, chairman of the Broadcasting and Communications Commission, with 7.25 billion won.

The least rich official is Roh Yeon-hong, secretary of public health and welfare, with 184 million won.

21 of the 73 government officials, or 28.8 percent, subject to asset disclosure did not report the assets of their immediate family members, citing that they make a living independently.

Ministerial-level and top government officials, who were appointed after March 1 of this year and reported their assets up to May 1, were subject to the disclosure.
