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Pres. Lee Holds Talks With Bill Gates

Posted May. 07, 2008 08:17,   


President Lee Myung-bak yesterday held talks with Microsoft founder Bill Gates in Seoul on raising cooperation between Korea and the software company in information technology.

On “Creative Capitalism,” a theory that Gates introduced at this year’s Davos Forum, President Lee agreed with the theory, saying, “Along with the government’s efforts to create a warm market economy, businesses must also carry out their social responsibilities and ensure the benefits of economic development are evenly distributed to everyone in the community.”

President Lee also said Korea, which marks its 60th anniversary this year, seeks wisdom and experience from international figures to join the ranks of advanced countries.

He also asked Gates to act as his adviser on global affairs, to which Gates accepted.

While announcing his plan to donate his assets to the underprivileged as pledged in last year’s presidential election, Lee expressed interest in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a charity Gates set up with his wife.

Gates praised Korea for making remarkable achievements in information and communications, saying the country is on the list of Microsoft’s key global software business partners.

He also promised to further strengthen the partnership between Microsoft and the Korean government and business to create seven trillion won in economic value over the next five years.

Gates also announced plans to invest 147 million U.S. dollars in Korea’s automotive IT, game and education industries over the same period.

The software mogul also gave the keynote speech “The Importance of the Future IT Industry and Korea” at the Korea MS Innovation Forum in Seoul yesterday.

In his speech, he said the world is on the threshold of the second digital age and that more changes will come in the next five years than in the past several decades.

Gates also said online and offline contents will be integrated and the boundaries between PC and TV will be blurred. “Touch” technologies that allow humans to interact with machines will also be important, he said, adding he expects Korea’s outstanding IT capabilities to play a pivotal role in bringing these changes.

swpark@donga.com imsun@donga.com