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Leading Tech University Letting More Profs Go

Posted March. 04, 2008 03:00,   


Five professors at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) failed to receive tenure in the school’s evaluation held at the end of last month. Six others did not get contract renewals, something which requires a separate assessment from tenure evaluation.

As a result, 26 of the tech university’s 446 professors might have been shown the door over the past six months, due to KAIST President Seo Nam-pyo’s higher emphasis on research results since he took office in July 2006.

The school sent shockwaves throughout Korean academia in August last year, when it rejected tenure for 15 professors. Likewise, one of seven professors at Pohang University of Science and Technology, whose contracts had expired, did not get contract renewals last month.

KAIST said five of 16 professors who applied for tenure failed at the end of last month. Since the school announced that professors can apply for tenure only once except in certain cases, 20 professors are reported to have been let go by KAIST since August last year.

A KAIST source said, “The results of last year’s evaluations saw many professors fail to receive tenure, and this scared off some applicants this year. As a result, we have had less than half the number of last year’s applicants. Undoubtedly, those that did make it in this year’s evaluations made outstanding academic achievements.”

The school also declined to renew the expiring contracts of six of 25 professors -- three full-timers, two associates and one assistant. The six must leave KAIST after a year.

Among 19 whose contracts were renewed, two professors had theirs extended by only two years, one year less than usual. A KAIST source said this will act as a warning to these professors and prompt them to make progress in research if they want to have their contracts renewed.

The university also shortened the renewal period last year from five years to three.

Another KAIST source said, “Under higher pressure to achieve research results, some professors have reportedly decided to leave KAIST though they are eligible for tenure evaluation or despite having time left on their contracts.”
