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Prosecution Summons Chung Dong-young on Letter

Posted February. 18, 2008 03:01,   


The Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office recently sent a letter to former presidential candidate Chung Dong-young of the then United New Democratic Party, asking him to report to the prosecution on Feb. 20 as a defendant and accused, a source close to the prosecution said Sunday.

“We are sending notifications to summon some figures in order to speed up our investigation on the election-related cases, and we are not targeting any certain person,” said a prosecution official. “Former candidate Chung has not responded whether he will comply with the call.”

Chung was accused by the Buddhist Broadcasting System and the Grand National Party for violating the Election Law after arguing that "the Buddhist Broadcasting System replaced its president due to candidate Lee Myung-bak’s pressure” during a press meeting in Busan, on Nov. 8 last year.

The United Democratic Party protested to the call, saying, “The oppression against the opposition party has begun even before the launch of the new administration.”

needjung@donga.com leon@donga.com