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Lee Seeks Postponement of Nomination

Posted January. 02, 2008 04:06,   


President-elect Lee Myung-bak warned on Tuesday that the government officials from the presidential transition committee must not act in the interest of their own ministries but realize how desperate a major overhaul is necessary for the public sector.

During the New Year’s speech, Lee stated that for the next two months, everyone, including myself as well as those from the party, the academic community and government ministries must love and put the country first before ourselves or our ministries.

“If you have a childish or selfish idea and think ‘what can I gain from taking a part in the transition committee,” you will not be able to achieve anything great. Although the need for a paradigm shift is frequently mentioned and reported, we are still clinging to the old mindset. A report must have a reporter’s soul in it,” Lee added.

“I thank the people for casting 541,000 more votes (compared to the runner-up, Chung Dong-young, from the United New Democratic Party in the presidential election). I must continue to receive such an overwhelming support in order to win the general election in April and successfully run the state affairs,” said Lee during the New Year’s speech at the headquarters of the Grand National Party.

He also emphasized that the Grand National Party must take a leap forward, saying “I hope everyone works confidently with a smile on their face and put an end to talking behind someone’s back. With a bright and open mind, we must move forward by uniting and working closely with the party.”

With regard to the hotly-debated timing of nomination, Lee said that nomination should not take place in February in line with the extra session of the National Assembly.

“The Government Organization Law should be changed and the confirmation hearings on the nominees for the new cabinet should be held in the period. If the parliament is burdened with the nomination issue, we will not be able to handle the matters properly. Lawmakers who have failed to be nominated will be reluctant to attend the extra session,” Lee said during a KBS news program.

However, Lee’s remark implying nomination should be made after he takes office on February 25 is likely to trigger criticism from former GNP chairwoman, Park Geun-hye, who has insisted that nomination should take place before Lee’s inauguration.
