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Veterans Association to Protest Revised Veterans Bill

Posted December. 25, 2007 07:00,   


The Korea Veterans Association (KorVA) said on Monday that it is planning to hold a rally in front of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs in Yeouido, Seoul, on Wednesday and Thursday in order to protest the government’s attempt to revise the Veterans Act.

Some 2,000 members of the KorVa are expected to participate in the protest, according to an official of the association. The rally will commence with an opening speech, which will address the problems of the revised bills, followed by a statement calling for the withdrawal of the bill.

A KorVA official said, “The revision of the Veterans Act is the Roh Moo-hyun administration’s attempt to stop all the pure security related activities of the KorVA, as they can be a major stumbling block to the activities of pro-North leftists. The bill contains a provision that would punish those who are involved in political activities. This is an act trying to obliterate the KorVa ‘s function and its organization.”

He added, “The government must withdraw its advance notice of the introduction of the bill and immediately stop control the KorVA to suit the taste of leftists.”
