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Japan to Consider Inviting Lee to G8 Meeting

Posted December. 24, 2007 06:27,   


The Japanese government is considering inviting the Korean President elect Lee Myung-bak to the G8 summit which will take place in Hokkaido next July.

When the co-chairmen of the “South Korea Japan Cooperation Committee,” which include former South Korean Prime Minister Nam Duck-woo and former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, made a courtesy call on Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, former prime minister Nam Duk-soo requested an invitation for the Korean president to the G8 summit meeting, and the Japanese Prime Minister replied he would consider the proposal carefully.

Prime Minister Fukuda said, “European nations tend to invite their African counterparts with whom they keep close relations (to the G8 summit),” and added, “I will consult with members of the summit so that we can invite one from Asia as well.”

After the former CEO Lee won a victory in the presidential election in Korea, Japan is anticipating that the overall relationship between the two nations will improve, including the resumption of shuttle diplomacy, which has all but halted recently.

The Japanese prime minister’s reply to examine the proposal to invite the new Korean president to the G8 summit meeting is interpreted as an expression of his will to accelerate the enhancement of relations between the two countries.
