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Your Choice Will Determine the Future of Korea

Posted December. 19, 2007 03:13,   


The 17th South Korean presidential election’s three front-runners – Lee Myung-bak (Grand National Party), Chung Dong-young (United New Democratic Party), and Lee Hoi-chang (independent candidate) – strongly appealed to the voters for their support on Tuesday, saying, “I will have a majority of the support,” “I will win the election by unifying the democratic power,” and “I am very ready to sacrifice myself for this country.”

In particular, Lee Myung-bak stated, “Contemporaries want to see my new government emerging. Please make me the new president with the majority support.”

Lee Myung-bak also said at a press conference held in the party’s office in Yeoido yesterday, “I know that the people want a new government to concentrate on the restoration of the falling economy and commit itself to reform the crippled political operation. I am very sure that such need will be served during my tenure.”

He added, “There has not been a president who was elected with the majority support since the direct presidential election system was adopted. The people’s overwhelming support will ensure me to carry out political reform without any glitches when I assume the presidency. I really want to devote myself to making this country prosper.”

Meanwhile, on the same day, Chung Dong-young said, “By concentrating power in a democratic reformative bloc, I will win the election. Voter support is the only way to make such a miracle.”

Chung held a press conference at the Kim Koo Museum and Library located in Hyochang-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, and said, “I strongly believe that if we select one candidate from the democratic bloc, we can win the election. I am here to state that I am a candidate who represents this bloc and fully recognizes the historical significance of this decision.”

Chung added, “The Korean government, which has a 60-year history, is about to elect a liar as a president. I am very afraid that this election might leave a significant stain in the history of our country. Please vote for me. If they are dispersed, we can hardly prevent a liar to take power.”

Meanwhile, Lee Hoi-chang said, “Throughout my entire life, I have kept rules and principles and considered the future of this country. I am very ready to sacrifice myself to restore justice in this society and create an environment in which people can enjoy living.”

Lee Hoi-chang held a press conference at his campaign office located in Nadaemun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, and said, “My strong will to save this country from this emergent situation has made me undergo these difficulties.”

He added, “We can’t envision a future as we have anticipated if Lee Myung-bak becomes the president. How can you see your children after electing a criminal as the president? I am the only choice under this situation.”

Moon Kook-hyun, the candidate of the Creative Korea Party, also held a press conference yesterday at Gwangjang Hotel, located at Dong-gu, Busan, and said, “Please vote for me. I can make this country wealthier and transparent and create an environment in which small- and mid-sized companies can be successful. Please forget about Lee Myung-bak, who is entangled in numerous corruption scandals, and help me to eradicate such corruption.”