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Current Grading System Could Be Revamped as Early as Next Year

Current Grading System Could Be Revamped as Early as Next Year

Posted December. 12, 2007 03:03,   


The Korean Council for University Education is expected to convene a meeting on December 18 to work out improvements to the current grading system in College Aptitude Test. The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development is also reportedly considering that reverting to last year’s grading system may be possible as early as next year.

One official at the education ministry said Tuesday, “The current grading system cannot be abolished right away, but once a decision to revamp the system is made, as early as next year, average scores along with percentages below the mean can be shown on the same grade sheet.”

This means that once the next administration makes a decision to revert to the previous system, which many are clamoring for in order to minimize the side effects of the current system, the previous system can be applied starting next year without a hitch.

The grading system in use is part of the education ministry’s jurisdiction; therefore, changes can be made to it at the discretion of the education minister on condition that they are made 18 months before the start of the school year in line with the Higher Education Act.

The education ministry says that eliminating the current grading system next year will not be easy as it is considered to be a “major issue.” However, if the change of the system is not labeled a major issue, the change could be applied as early as next year.

Woo Hyeong-shik, a college support head at the education ministry, said in a phone interview with the Peace Broadcasting System’s radio program “Open World” that confusion caused by the grading system is probably temporary and stems from colleges putting more emphasis on college entrance exam scores while at the same time failing to recognize the importance of high school grades.

foryou@donga.com ceric@donga.com