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[Opinion] The Development of New Weapons and the North’s Nukes

[Opinion] The Development of New Weapons and the North’s Nukes

Posted November. 21, 2007 03:08,   


Human history has been a history of war, and weaponry has been the critical factor in winning wars. In other words, weapons have changed the history of humans. Rome conquered Greece with double-edged swords and shields. Guns neutralized the defensive tactics of the feudal times, and the civilizations of Inca and Maya gave way to the Spanish soldiers with steel swords and matchlocks. Germany defeated Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union in a short period of time with tanks. Nuclear bombs destroyed Japanese imperialism.

South Korea’s Agency for Defense Development has developed a special rifle that people can use both in the day and at night for the first time in the world. It is a giant leap forward. During the Korean War, Korea was incapable of making a single rifle or ammunition. The rifle measures range with a laser beam and times its projectile to explode on top of enemy soldiers’ heads. The projectile can penetrate buildings and attack enemies hiding on the other side of them.

Korea’s XK-2 tank can move four meters underwater at the maximum speed of 70 km/h. Korean shipyards are building Aegis destroyers and 1,800-ton submarines. Korea’s KT-1 and T-50 aircraft trainers are exported in large numbers. Back in 1975, Korea’s export volume was only 470,000 dollars. This year, the volume is expected to reach 1 billion dollars. South Korea is emerging as a global power in the defense industry.

However cutting-edge weapons may be, they are dwarfed by nuclear weapons, however. North Korea argues that it developed nukes for defense and protection against foreign powers, but part of that sounds absurd. The Korea Institute for Defense Analysis warns that the North might target South Korean field armies or major military facilities with nuclear weapons in case of an emergency. Only when the North abandons its nukes for sure can South Korea’s development of new weaponry strengthen its defense.

Lee Jin-nyong, Editorial Writer, jinnyong@donga.com