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Prosecution Organizes Special Investigation Headquarters

Prosecution Organizes Special Investigation Headquarters

Posted November. 16, 2007 03:03,   


In relation to the case of suspected corruption in the Samsung Group, prosecutors have decided to set up a Special Investigation and Inquiry Headquarters.

This Special Investigation and Inquiry Headquarters will stop its investigation activities if an independent counsel promoted by the political circle is adopted, however.

On November 15, the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office announced that it decided to establish the Special Investigation and Inquiry Headquarters to probe Samsung based on the judgment that the existing investigation system would not be sufficient after lawyer Kim Yong-cheol’s contention that both retired and serving high-ranking prosecutors, including prosecutor-general designate Lim Chae-jin, were under Samsung’s influence.

Though Prosecutor-General Chung Sang-myeong will appoint the head of the Special Investigation and Inquiry Headquarters, he won’t be briefed on the progress of the investigation except at the conclusion of the investigation. The head of the body will obtain full authority related to the investigation, directing the composition of the investigation team and administration methods.

One of the chief district prosecutors or executives of senior-prosecutor rank who are senior to director of the Central Investigation Bureau Lee Gwi-nam (passed 22nd bar exam), who is suspected to have received bribes from Samsung, will be appointed as the head of the Special Investigation and Inquiry Headquarters.

“The composition and administration of the headquarters will weigh public opinion as its top priority for the sake of fairness,” said Kim Gyeong-soo, the publicity director of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office.

Regarding whether prosecutor-general designate Lim will also be investigated, he said, “All suspicions raised will be investigated and supervised.”

In the meantime, controversy continued among politicians concerning the special prosecutor’s probe into Samsung Group. The United New Democratic Party (UNDP) stated its intention to modify the target of its special prosecution probe and schedule for investigation, but the Grand National Party handed in an independent special prosecution bill.

During a press interview on the same day, UNDP Floor Leader Kim Hyo-seok said, “It is true that 200 days is too long for a special prosecution probe, and the boundary of the investigation is too broad as well. From a certain point of view, it can be said that the bill surpassed the authority and the limitations of the special prosecution committee. The National Assembly needs to revise the details through discussions.”

Separately from the special prosecution bill jointly initiated by the UNDP, the Democratic Labor Party, and the Creative Korea Party, the main opposition Grand National Party handed in an independent special prosecution bill that includes celebration money for the election of President Roh in the investigation.

will71@donga.com leon@donga.com