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Jeon Yun-cheol to Conduct Audit on GIA This Year

Posted November. 07, 2007 07:24,   


Jeon Yun-cheol, who is slated to be appointed chief of the Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI), appeared in a confirmation hearing in the National Assembly yesterday and said that he would conduct an audit on the Government Information Agency (GIA) by year’s end.

When Grand National Party Rep. Jang Yun-seok said, “The BAI should conduct a sweeping audit on the GIA, including a move to reform media coverage practice,” Jeon said, “I’m planning to audit the GIA this year if I am reappointed as the BAI chief.”

The BAI will reportedly conduct a focused audit on the scandal over GIA’s selection of contractors for its pressroom.

GNP Rep. Jeong Byeong-guk said after an inspection of the National Assembly’s culture and tourism committee on October 26, “A construction company monopolized all of the GIA’s projects. In return, GIA officials received bribes and free meals.”

The GIA has not been under audit by the BAI after the incumbent administration took office. It underwent an audit only on its use of special expenses last year when the BAI conducted the same audit on all government agencies.

Jeon also said, regarding suspicions on the development of the Digital Media Center in Sangam-dong, Seoul, “I haven’t called it ‘suspicion of special treatment.’”

He was asked by GNP Rep. Lee Ju-yeong, “The United New Democratic Party’s presidential candidate Chung Dong-young participated in the DMC project as advisor. Will you do an audit on that as well?” He answered, “Of course, I will.”
