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KBC`s Decision on TV Commercials between Programs Draws Criticism

KBC`s Decision on TV Commercials between Programs Draws Criticism

Posted November. 05, 2007 03:11,   


Korean TV viewers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the press, and media-related firms expressed strong opposition to what the Korean Broadcasting Commission mentioned on November 2. The commission announced that more TV commercials would be aired during programs on its terrestrial broadcasting channels.

TV audience objected to the idea by saying through various Web postings, “The decision will not only hurt our rights, but undermine the broadcaster’s public duties because broadcasting stations will now indiscreetly compete for viewership fees.” They also said, “The commission is using broadcasts only for their profits. The commission said it would raise TV license fees. In addition to this, should audience be forced to watch more commercials against their will during programs?”

Seventy-two media-related groups, including Coalitions for Media Consumers’ Rights, Cultural Solidarity, and the KBG criticized the Korean Broadcasting Commission’s decision. They also discussed measures to deter such a move, such as launching viewer signature-seeking campaigns.

The political circle is also moving ahead with legislation with respect to TV commercials between programs and an enforcement ordinance amendment. The Grand National Party’s Chang Yoon-seok said, “We’ll cast a motion on November 5 that the National Assembly will vote for broadcasting legislation to stop the broadcasting commission from amending the current enforcement ordinance (Government Ordinance Article No. 59).”

Media firms like cable TVs, except for terrestrial broadcasting firms, also opposed the move, saying, “Imbalances among broadcasting firms will become severer.” The Korean Cable TV Association announced, “That the Korean Broadcasting Commission reached the conclusion over TV commercials between programs despite objections from the National Assembly, TV viewers, and NGOs is just a sign that the commission is the puppet organization working for terrestrial broadcasters.”
