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Jeon Yoon-cheol Likely to Be Reappointed as BAI Chair

Posted October. 10, 2007 07:22,   


Jeon Yoon-cheol, the chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI), is likely to be reappointed. His term ends on November 9.

Cheong Wa Dae is reported to be close to choosing the reappointment option over appointing a new chairman or naming an acting chairman.

The Constitution (Article 98, Section 2) stipulates, “The president appoints the chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection after the approval of the National Assembly. The term is four years, and the chairman may be reappointed once.”

The presidential office is reported to have considered the National Assembly factor if it selects a new one. The Grand National Party is saying that the next president should appoint the chairman of the BAI, and the ruling United New Democratic Party does not seem likely to give its full support due to internal problems.

The reappointment option is expected to stir up controversy over whether the candidate should go through a hearing process due to the absence of laws related to the BAI and hearing. If the former BAI chairman is reappointed, he will have to retire in the middle of his term according to the law. Jeon, who was born in June 1939, can serve as a chairman until June 2009, when he turns 70.

Han Seung-heon, the former BAI chairman, had to retire 18 months into his term because he turned 65 in September 1999. Since then, the retirement ages of the BAI chairman, the chief justice, and the Constitutional Court chief justice have been increased to 70.
