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"NG Scenes Prevent Copycats"

Posted September. 27, 2007 03:07,   


Jackie Chan has always appeared on domestic movie screens during the Chuseok holiday, so it’s customary for Korean moviegoers to see one of his films. But this year he will visit Korea with “Rush Hour 3” on October 3, after Chuseok. This newspaper had an e-mail interview with Jackie Chan, who is now busy shooting his next film, “The King of Kung fu.”

Q: You still pull off staggering action scenes in “Rush Hour 3,” but you are getting on in years. You probably have difficulty playing action parts with the same intensity as you did in your 20s and 30s. Do you feel any difference?

A: “When I was young, I used to get injured while doing dangerous stunts without taking safety into account. But I am very careful now not to hurt not only myself but other actors as well. Instead, I rely on slightly different camera angles that make action scenes more vivid and thrilling. Sure I have grown old, but I have no problem performing action and stunts that amuse the audience.”

Q: You play your part in English. Which do you find more difficult out of speaking in English and performing fighting scenes?

A: “Doing action is a piece of cake. So I first shoot action scenes, and then I enter into scenes where I speak my line in English.”

Q: The fight scene at the Eiffel Tower is truly amazing. It will surely keep audiences in suspense. Could you give us some details about how the scene was shot?”

A: “The scene was shot mainly at night. Sometimes heavy winds and rain made shooting very dangerous. Though it was a tough job, it was a great experience. I could gain access to areas that no ordinary people are allowed to enter.”

Q: People who go to see your movies also expect to see NG scenes. Do you have any reason for inserting NG scenes in your movies?

A: “First, I want to give the audience an opportunity to see me doing stunts all by myself. Second, it’s to prevent the youth from emulating my acts by showing that performing stunts can be very dangerous. Third, I want to amuse people by showing them behind-the-scenes footage from the shooting.”

Q: There have been a lot of Hong Kong action movie stars, such as Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, but only you still enjoy popularity. What is your secret?

A: “I cannot say as that really is my biggest secret (laughs). I am not sure but I think I have been lucky and time has always been right. For example, after Bruce Lee died, I tried different things. While he made a high kick, I did a low kick. He was very serious, but I tried to make the audience laugh. He performed traditional martial arts, but I adopted a mixed style, and made use of objects around me. People warmly responded to my unique style.”

Q: People say “Jackie Chan is a general hospital,” which means that your whole body has been injured or fractured at one time or another, and there is no part remaining to be hurt. Are you in good shape now?

A: “I am in good shape. Last month, I hurt my back again while shooting “The King of Kung fu,” but I recovered quickly. “Rush Hour 3” left me with chest injury. But it wasn’t severe, and I soon recovered.”

Q: ‘Kim Hui-seon, a Korean actress who shot “The Myth” with you, is getting married.

A: “I heard the wonderful news, but I’m afraid I cannot attend her wedding ceremony. I congratulate her on her wedding and wish her a happy marriage.”

Q: Korean fans’ affection for you is so special that some say they feel empty when there is no Jackie Chan movie playing during the Chuseok holiday.

A: “I love Korean fans and Korea. In the 1970s, I stayed in Korea for about two years. I remember that at the time I hurried to return home so I wasn’t caught by the curfew. When it was past curfew time, people hid themselves inside buildings since taxi fees were expensive. I am always grateful to Koreans for showing their love for me.”
