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Sohn Hak-gyu: Cheong Wa Dae’s Threats Getting More Serious

Sohn Hak-gyu: Cheong Wa Dae’s Threats Getting More Serious

Posted September. 11, 2007 03:11,   


Sohn Hak-gyu, one of the presidential hopefuls of the United New Democratic Party (UNDP), said yesterday, “Organized and mobilized election schemes are widespread and Cheong Wa Dae’s involvement in the election is becoming more pronounced.”

In a press conference held yesterday morning at his temporary office before the primary in Yeouido, Sohn said, “I strongly criticize the threats of withdrawing support for a presidential hopeful from influential incumbent figures and high ranking officials. Ignoring the citizens’ call for new politics and instead resorting to mobilizing groups of people or following the footsteps of Cheong Wa Dae will get us nowhere, let alone win the presidential election.”

A close aide to Sohn said, “Young people who are helping Sohn in Busan and Gyeongnam Province have received threatening calls from Cheong Wa Dae.”

In a joint speech session held in Cheongju, Chungbuk Province, Sohn said, “Signs of the election being tainted are seen everywhere. Cheong Wa Dae and its powerful high ranking officials are obviously involved in this.”

Sohn’s spokesperson and lawmaker Woo Sang-ho also said, “A chief press secretary or some high ranking official asked through a middle man why those in support of Sohn are helping him. It’s not just a few people who received such a call.”

Lawmaker Woo added, “The question may have come from an individual, but it’s not one person who heard this. There are many who have received phone calls. The problem is that the party is turning a blind eye to organized election schemes, and for its part, Cheong Wa Dae is trying to ‘veto’ Sohn.” He emphasized that this is not a rumor, but a fact.
