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Politicians Call for Investigation Into Presidential Aide

Politicians Call for Investigation Into Presidential Aide

Posted September. 03, 2007 03:02,   


The Grand National Party on Sunday criticized President Roh Moo-hyun for saying that the alleged involvement of former presidential protocol secretary Jeong Yun-jae in the bribery case involving the prosecution’s investigation “has no substance.”

The GNP also said, “The Roh administration, which is insensitive to corruption and irregularities, should be called ‘the corruption protecting administration.’”

“President Roh’s close aide is under suspicion of protecting a contractor, and President Roh is busy shielding one of his confidants,” said GNP spokeswoman Na Kyung-won.

“If President Roh’s mindset is normal, he should not get involved in influence-peddling scandals involving Korea’s top government authorities, such as the National Tax Service, the prosecution, and Cheong Wa Dae, saying it ‘has no substance.’ Instead, Roh should order an immediate investigation and punish those found guilty as a warning to others,” Na added.

Meanwhile, former Gyeonggi Governor Sohn Hak-kyu, a presidential hopeful of the United New Democratic Party (UNDP), held a press conference at his camp office in Yeouido yesterday. “386 figures in Cheong Wa Dae, such as secretary Jeong, must act more carefully not to disappoint or dishearten the people,” Sohn said.

In addition, former Uri Party Chairman Shin Ki-nam, another presidential hopeful of the UNDP, said in a statement that, “Allegations, which indicate a breakdown of discipline among presidential secretaries, have erupted. The truth must be thoroughly uncovered and discipline among government officials must be tightened.”
