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No More Golf for Samsung Officials

Posted June. 21, 2007 03:01,   


Samsung recently put a ban on high-level company officials holding meetings at golf clubs.

The decision is in response to the widespread belief that the company should reform its current despondent atmosphere – caused by Samsung Electronics’ poor performance – and reduce unnecessary expenses.

According to a statement by Samsung Group on June 20, Samsung has recently instructed all affiliated companies to control the number of meetings with high level officials.

The group has restricted the playing golf among employees under general manager level; only permitting high-level officials to continue.

The affected officials have taken the decision as a virtual prohibition order.

One official said, “In the past, high level officials have met and played golf together, but nowadays, they are canceling their meetings at golf clubs or delay appointments. However, appointments with officials from other companies are proceeding as per usual.”

Samsung also demands that all employees limit unnecessary official trips overseas.

When questioned about a rumor of large-scale layoffs, the group said that the matter has never been discussed.

A high official from the group explained: “Recent poor performance should be solved by cost reductions and raising productivity; not by layoffs. And we will check out how properly officials have been distributed throughout the company after the IMF crisis when the number of officials dramatically increased, but we have no plan to forcefully reduce the number of officials.
