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“I Have the Data to Defeat Both Lee and Park”

Posted June. 15, 2007 09:26,   


The landscape of the presidential election has been thrown into “verification turmoil” when the Uri Party, Cheong Wa Dae, and the government jumped into the “verification fight” between Grand National Party (GNP) presidential hopefuls Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye.

In particular, Jang Young-dal, the Uri floor leader, claimed that he had “important data” that could potentially defeat both Lee and Park in the presidential election, which raised suspicions of political maneuvering.

Jang said at a joint meeting among Uri Party lawmakers and heads of Uri Party committees on June 14, “We could lose against Hong Joon-pyo, Won Hee-ryong or Goh Jin-hwa, but we can defeat both Park and Lee in the presidential election.” He argued that he has important data to back up his claim.

On the same day, the Uri Party submitted to the National Assembly an investigation requirement in relation to the government regarding accusations on manipulating BBK stock prices, which were raised by the GNP’s Park to Lee. The requirement said, “Since the person accused is a leading presidential hopeful, we need a thorough investigation.”

Regarding former Seoul mayor Lee’s pledge to build a giant canal across the country, Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said at a press conference on that day, “The government is right to analyze and review campaign pledges of presidential candidates because they will affect government policies and administrations in the near and longer term.”

Earlier, Lee insisted that Cheong Wa Dae was behind the Uri Party’s attack. In response, Cheong Wa Dae spokesperson Cheon Ho-seon said, “Clearly, what Lee said is a false accusation and defamation. Unless Lee gives a responsible apology, we will take legal action immediately.”

Regarding the Uri Party’s demands for an investigation and its claim of possessing “important data,” GNP spokesperson Nah Gyeong-won announced, “This is nothing but a dirty conspiracy to deceive the public and steal the future of the country by shaking up the presidential election. If the Uri Party does have data, then it should disclose it right away instead of engaging in dirty political maneuvering.”

GNP floor leader Kim Hyeong-oh said at a meeting of high-ranking committee members of the party, “We must nip the Uri Party’s negative campaign and political maneuvering in the bud.”

Lee refuted Cheong Wa Dae’s demand for an apology, arguing, “Cheong Wa Dae should stop abuses against opposition party candidates and manage the presidential election in a fair way by forming a neutral cabinet.”

Park Yeong-gyu, a spokesperson in Lee’s camp, said, “The Uri Party is now using dirty tricks such as threatening opposition party candidates with data that was illegally acquired through its spy agency. He also said, “The investigation threat is an irresponsible political attack and should immediately be withdrawn.”
