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North Korea to Invite IAEA Immediately After BDA Settlement

North Korea to Invite IAEA Immediately After BDA Settlement

Posted April. 21, 2007 03:13,   


North Korea, on April 20, made clear its willingness to invite delegates of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to Pyongyang as soon as the issues over unfreezing its Banco Delta Asia (BDA) accounts are settled.

The Korea News Service of North Korea reported that “Ri Je Son, Director General of the DPRK´s General Department of Atomic Energy, sent a letter to Chief Mohamed ElBaradei of the IAEA, saying it was prepared to invite the IAEA delegates and discuss the suspension of the Yongbyon nuclear facility and the procedures for supervision and verification."

Also, Chief Ri said, “There has been no change in our will to carry out the 2-13 Agreement (of the six party talks), but we`re experiencing difficulties—namely that the matter of the frozen funds has not been settled yet. Practical negotiations are being actively pursued between the BDA and us to settle the problem."

North Korea`s official Korean Central News Agency said that the aforementioned letter was an answer to the questions raised by the IAEA concerning an inspection team visit to North Korea.
