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"Korea More Corrupt Than China"

Posted March. 14, 2007 07:08,   


It has been found that foreign businessmen from 13 Asian countries perceived Korea to be more corrupt than China.

According to a survey conducted by the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC), a Hong Kong based consulting firm specializing in risk, Korea’s corruption perceptions index not only has worsened to 6.30 from last year’s 5.44, but it is also less than China’s 6.29.

In terms of rankings, China ranked seventh, and Korea came in eighth.

The PERC surveyed 1,476 foreign businessmen from 13 nations from January to February and rated each country on a scale from 0 to10, with 0 being the least corrupt and 10 being the most corrupt.

The least corrupt country was Singapore, same as the previous year. Hong Kong took the second slot, pushing Japan to third, with Macao, Taiwan, and Malaysia following behind. The most corrupt country ranking went to the Philippines.