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Roh’s Chief of Staff to Resign

Posted March. 06, 2007 07:15,   


President Roh Moo-hyun will replace his chief of staff Lee Byung-wan later this month. Moon Jae-in, former senior presidential secretary for civil affairs, is considered a strong candidate to become the new chief of staff, sources said on Monday.

"The president`s chief of staff Lee Byung-wan expressed his desire to step down to President Roh early last month, while suggesting ways to manage state affairs during his remaining term,” presidential spokesman Yoon Seong-yong said. “President Roh will decide how to handle Yoon’s resignation when pending issues, including the constitutional amendment, are sorted out,” he added.

“When the state-run constitution amendment promotion commission proposes a bill for constitutional revision on Wednesday, it will be discussed in public first. And then the direction of the amendment will be determined in the middle of this month. Lee will leave office at that point,” Yoon said.

Kim Byong-joon, presidential senior secretary for policy planning, and Shin Geh-ryoon, former Uri Party lawmaker, are also being mentioned as possible replacements for Lee.
