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[Editorial] 299 days to the next presidential election

Posted February. 23, 2007 06:49,   


With the 17th presidential election only 299 days away, it is worth noting that the current Korean government has directly undermined the country’s growth potential by pursuing anti-market and ‘dumbing down’ policies. In this regard, we should select a presidential candidate who can successfully revitalize our economy. Korea currently stands at a crossroads where it can either join the ranks of advanced countries or continue to be squeezed between China and Japan. Over the past four years, it must have hit home with the Korean people that their choices at the polls will have a significant impact on their daily lives. This is why we must vote wisely at the ballots.

We are now aware that formidable challenges lie ahead. In only four years, the profligate government has increased our national debt by a whopping 137 trillion won; an amount larger than the total national debt accrued since the inception of our first government, 54 years ago. In doing so, the Roh Moo-hyun government has undercut the growth potential of the next generation. Korea’s average annual growth rate of 4.2% is below the world average, and its increasing tax rate has outpaced the average increase in income, leading to hard times for the public. The North Korean nuclear crisis and the cracks developing in the Korea-U.S alliance have caused an astronomical increase in security costs. The spread of leftist populism has given rise to unreasonable demand, which has damaged our national identity.

Under the current circumstances, political establishments are preoccupied with ‘political maneuvering’, rather than identifying remedies for the most pressing issues. After the resignation of the Uri Party by the president, the party has tried desperately to avoid being held responsible for the failed policies of the government. Even after stepping down from the party, the president seems poised to continue along his controversial path with his proposal to amend the constitution. It seems that voters have no choice but to grin and bear political irresponsibility for yet another year.

The Grand National Party has been engulfed by an inter-party feud between Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, over a review of candidates, hinting at a possible party split. Even though the party members have said, “The Grand National Party will not be divided,” many say “In this coming March, the party could suffer a split.” Against this backdrop, policymaking by political parties has taken a back seat to the continuing mudslinging.

With the ruling party evaporated, it is unclear whether major reform legislation for the national pension system, and revisions to private school laws, can be adequately handled in the National Assembly. Furthermore, the public is concerned about the election of another group of untested politicians. Now is the time for voters to carefully select a leader, and officials, who can steer the country in the right direction. We should not forget the lesson we have learned the hard way: if the wrong choices are made in the elections, the entire nation will suffer greatly.