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GNP Urges Formation of New Cabinet

Posted January. 27, 2007 07:24,   


Grand National Party Chairman Kang Jae-sup said on Friday, “Change of power is the best kind of reform in this era.” At a news conference held at the GNP headquarters in Seoul, he said that President Roh Moo-hyun should stay within the ruling Uri Party and not attempt to leave the party since the position requires indefinite responsibility.

Kang also requested that the president enforce that ruling party members in the cabinet such as the prime minister and ministers should resign. In addition, he suggested reshuffling the cabinet by appointing ministers who specialize in needed areas and who have political neutrality in hopes of addressing the troubling economy in practical ways. He added that the president should make an announcement of not intervening in the presidential race and declare political neutrality before the nation.

Kang suggested a meeting on economic issues to the president, saying, “I am willing to meet with President Roh to address the bread-and-butter issues.”

Cheong Wa Dae spokesperson Yoon Seung-yong said that the president responded to Kang’s suggestion, stating that he hopes to have frank discussions and negotiations over the people’s livelihood issues that Kang proposed, reform bills to be passed at the special session of the National Assembly this February, and major pending issues including constitutional amendment.

In response, GNP spokesperson Na Gyeong-won said the presidential office virtually rejected the party’s offer, and the GNP urged the president to agree to attend the meeting for the betterment of the economy but would rather exclude discussion on political agendas such as constitutional amendment.

taylor55@donga.com jyw11@donga.com