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Broadcast Regulation Bill Questioned

Posted January. 04, 2007 03:00,   


The government held a cabinet meeting presided by President Roh Moo-hyun on January 3 and passed a bill establishing a new regulatory committee on broadcasting and communications as drafted. The bill states that the president has a right to appoint 5 committee members, 2 of which are recommended by related bodies.

The new regulatory body will have authority to recommend, nominate and appoint presidents, board directors and auditors of KBS, MBC and EBS. In this regard, many have pointed that the government is trying to control broadcasting.

The government is expected to submit the bill to the National Assembly this month, but an uphill battle is predicted during the process of deliberation among lawmakers in that some lawmakers of the ruling party as well as opposition parties have raised questions on the president’s authority to appoint.

GNP spokeswoman Na Kyoung-won said, “Despite criticism from both the ruling and opposition parties, the government intends to maintain the right to appoint committee members. It proves that the government is trying to control broadcasting. The bill passed through the cabinet meeting is a bad law, which the National Assembly will not pass. The ruling party will meet political conflicts if it pushes the passage.” The Democratic Party and The Democratic Labor Party also said, “The National Assembly will block the bill.”

President Roh said at the cabinet meeting, “If questions are kept being raised on the political motive behind formation of the committee, the committee formation can be done by the next administration after the passage of the bill.”

sys1201@donga.com taylor55@donga.com