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Sanctions Hurting North Korea: Expert

Posted December. 29, 2006 07:20,   


The combination of U.S. economic sanctions, U.N. Security Council’s sanctions, and PSI (the Proliferation Security Initiative) interdictions appears to be putting the Kim dynasty in jeopardy for the first time in five decades since World War II, said James T. Hackett, a conservative columnist of the U.S. on December 27.

He said in his column in the Washington Times, “The economic sanctions of the U.S. Treasury Department are hurting the North`s Achilles heel.”

Mr. Hackett predicted, “As the six-party talks have deadlocked, Kim Jong Il will plan to conduct a second nuclear test” and stressed, “Regime change is the only realistic long-term solution.”

He added that the most efficient way for a regime change in Pyongyang is financial sanctions, saying, “Mr. Hill said that as long as North Korea develops nuclear weapons, they are going to have more and more and more financial problems."
