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Park ‘Ji-seong’s Comeback on Schedule

Posted December. 19, 2006 03:01,   


‘Power engine’ Park Ji-sung (25, Manchester United of England) is on his way back to Manchester United. On December 18, he played a substitution in the second half in England premier league with West Ham. It was five days earlier than his expected comeback on December 23. The midfielder has been out of action since suffering an injury in a match against Tottenham in September. He entered 42 minutes after the beginning of the second half.

West Ham won 0-1 after he played for almost 7 minutes. As the game closed with the same score, Manchester finished with a record of 10 wins and 2 ties.

Chelsea, ranked 2nd, beat Everton 3-2 on the same day and is chasing Manchester United, trailing by 2 points. Manchester United will play Aston Vila on December 23, Wigan on December 26, Reading on December 30, and Newcaste on January 2.

Lee Yeong-pyo (29, Tottenham), Chorongyi, showed a strong performance in a game with Manchester City. It was his third consecutive game.
