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Korean Gets Posthumous Gold in Doha

Posted December. 09, 2006 09:55,   


The gold medal which Kim Hyung-chil had wished to win in his last competition was lying under the remembrance altar.

Inside the public zone of the athletes’ village, a remembrance altar was offered for Kim after he died in an accident during the equestrian competition at the Doha Asian Games.

Memorial Parades-

Khalid Al Qahtani, director general of Doha Asian Games Organizing Committee (DAGOC), offered an honorary gold medal on December 8. This medal was supposed to be awarded to the actual first place winner. Athlete Kim, who had not yet had the chance to win a gold medal in the Asian Games, was granted his wish.

For the two-day incense-burning ceremony, memorial parades continuously honor Kim. Many players, regardless of nationality and sport entries, expressed condolences to Kim.

In the afternoon of December 8, three members of the Kazakhstan equestrian team, along with coach Andrey Shalohin, also expressed their condolences. Coach Shalohin said, "I remember the fabulous match with player Kim Hyung-chil at the Hiroshima competition. He was talented and had a good personality. I am grieving heavily.”

Kim`s younger brother Jae-chil, who flew from Korea to Doha as a representative of the bereaved family, hugged coach Kim Hong-cheol and sobbed, which made others grow silent. Kim Jae-chil saw his brother at the funeral chapel of Hamada Hospital where his brother`s body was placed. On the verge of tears, he said, "My brother could not even close his eyes when he died. How much he must have missed people around him,” and added, "I want to go back to Korea with my brother sooner.”

KOC to Offer Compensation to the Family-

Kim Jae-chil will go back to Korea with his brother`s body. Kim`s older brother Sung-chil and his wife So Won-mi are discussing funeral procedures with the Korean Olympic Committee (KOC). It is expected, that a three-day funeral will be held, starting on the arrival day to Korea. Meanwhile, KOC conferred a decoration for Kim Hyung-chil on December 8, and it is reported that the bereaved family will receive a compensation amount of 50 million won.
