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Chief Justice Nominee May Withdraw

Posted November. 27, 2006 07:05,   


Constitutional Court Chief Justice nominee Jeon Hyo-suk expressed her will to resign earlier this week. In response, Cheong Wa Dae will allegedly revoke the nomination and announce a new nominee.

Among the expected candidates are former Supreme Court Justices Sohn Ji-yeol (59, ninth bar exam, former National Election Commissioner) and Justice Lee Kang-guk (61, eighth bar exam).

According to the ruling party and legal circles, Cheong Wa Dae will put the 70-day hiatus of the chief justice position to an end by accepting Jeon’s offer to voluntarily step down earlier this week.

Presidential chief of staff Lee Byong-wan’s proposal to hold political talks between the government, ruling, and opposition parties in a press conference seems to be another indication of the above decision by Cheong Wa Dae.

The ruling Uri Party and opposition Grand National Party agreed to discuss the nomination this Wednesday and further deal with the issue in the National Assembly starting Thursday. However, the ruling party has recently turned negative toward the approval.

Regarding the nomination, a Uri Party leader said, “Cheong Wa Dae is supportive of Supreme Chief Justices Sohn Ji-yeol and Lee Kang-guk.” Uri prefers Chief Justice Lee, from the southwestern part of Korea, which is Uri’s political base.

Meanwhile, it is said that Jeon made her decision so as not to burden the government, but still refuses to give in to the issue of the unconstitutionality of her appointment raised by the opposition.
