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Uri Leader to Roh: Focus on Economy

Posted November. 01, 2006 03:01,   


Kim Han-gil, the floor leader of Uri Party, suggested President Roh Moo-hyun to organize a risk management cabinet on October 31, saying, “I believe it is time we adopt a cabinet as the management system for the security and economic crisis in order to become prepared against and overcome the unexpected situations after North Korea’s nuclear test.”

Kim, regarding the reshuffle of the cabinet, made such comments at the meeting of the party held on the same day in the morning at the National Assembly, saying, “My opinion is that the president should compose a perfect team by gathering the best personnel and pour the greatest efforts on this for the remaining term.”

He also commented that there needs to be measures to boost the economy for the people, saying, “Even though Korean Development Institute expects the growth rate next year to be 4.3%, it does not reflect the nuclear test, and as long as the growth rate relies heavily on a small number of the conglomerates then the economy will only get harsher for small and medium businesses and the common people.”

It is very unusual that the floor leader of the governing party mentioned publicly the plan for the reshuffling of the cabinet.

within and outside of the party, people are suggesting interpretations that floor leader Kim intended to urge President Roh who expanded the special board of presidential advisers on national affairs recently and showed negative views about the discussions within the party on a new, unified party, to focus more on the national affairs concerning the security and the economy than on the political issues.

In this regard, the tension between Cheong Wa Dae and the governing party after the parliamentary inspection of the administration is expected to escalate.

“Please do not interpret the comment by floor leader Kim as the urge for a pan-national cabinet reshuffle or a neutral cabinet reshuffle. The intention was that the related ministries should be operated in a risk management system and that the president needs to concentrate on the national security and economy,” said Noh Woong-rae, vice head of Uri Party’s public relations. “As far as I know floor leader Kim consulted with the leading group about the comments he made beforehand, and made the comments reflecting the opinions of many Uri Party assemblymen.”

About the comment by floor leader Kim, Yun Tae-yeong, Cheong Wa Dae spokesperson, said, “Cheong Wa Dae will not speak about it, and the comment seems to be a personal opinion.”
