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Rice to Start Northeast Asia Tour

Posted October. 18, 2006 03:02,   


The U.S. government strongly urged South Korea and China to execute the U.N. Security Council’s resolution, imposing sanctions on North Korea.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held a press conference on October 16 (local time) right before leaving for a trip throughout Northeast Asia.

“Actions of North Korea clearly showed the strategic interest that we share with main countries of Northeast Asia,” Rice said. “All countries must share not only the benefits of collaborative security but also the burdens,” she stressed.

As for Korea’s attempt to separate the UN sanctions and the projects of Gaesong Industrial Complex and the Mt. Geumgang tourism, Rice said, “We will keep watching South Korea’s decisions since South Korea has decided to reconsider all activities toward North Korea.”

To China, Rice said, “UN Security Council Resolution 1718 demands all efforts to protect trade of dangerous objects.” She also urged all countries involved to take every possible measure.

Regarding the relationship between the two inter-Korean projects and U.N. sanctions against North Korea, the spokesperson for Cheong Wa Dae, Yoon Tae-yeong, said, “The government’s policy on inter-Korean economic cooperation is now under arrangement. Most opinions do not think the issue of Mt. Geumgang and the Gaesong Industrial Complex violates the spirits of U.N. sanctions.”

A government official said, “The stance of the government on this matter will be decided after a thorough investigation of the U.N. Resolution and its specific clauses about the sanction.”

On October 19, President Roh is planned to meet Condoleezza Rice in Cheong Wa Dae to talk about the issues after the UN resolution.

sechepa@donga.com jyw11@donga.com