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Citizens Rally Against North’s Nukes

Posted October. 09, 2006 07:08,   


The headquarters for the Campaign to Seek 10 million Signatures Against the Dissolution of the ROK-US Combined Forces Command, which consists of 227 civic groups, including religious groups, veterans groups and conservative civic groups, held a press conference yesterday and announced that, “We decided to hold candlelight rallies every day at 8:00 p.m. at the front of Dongwha Duty Free Shop, located in Jongno, from October 9 to 22, called, ‘The National Candlelight Rallies for Safe and Peace of the Korea Peninsula,’ to counter North Korea’s attempt to develop nuclear programs.

At the press conference, a spokesperson of the headquarters stressed that, “All nations have been driven into chaos since the North Korea announced its plan for nuclear tests,” adding, “Even though North Korea’s nuclear test is an obvious threat to the peace of the Korea peninsula and an unacceptable provocation that may bring about complete annihilation of two Koreas, our government, regardless of such possible security crisis, still pursues its plan for the dissolution of ROK-US Combined Forces Command.”

Reverend Seo Gyeong-seok, executive director of the headquarters said, “Through these candlelight rallies, we will demonstrate our strong desire for peace and antipathy toward the North Korean’s nuclear test to the world,” adding, “As you have seen, the candlelight rallies that often led to historical reformation in Korea have been organized by left-wing groups. However, now, it is a time for the right-wing groups to take the torch.”

Reverend Seo also said, “In today’s rally, we expect about 5,000 people to attend,” adding, “Since we plan to increase the number of participants up to 50,000 to 100,000, rally place can be changed to Seoul square in front of Seoul City Hall.”

The signature gathering started September 29 and is an extension of the “Campaign to Seek Five Million Signatures to Stop Negotiation to Transfer Wartime Operational Control” that started at September 12 organized by 11 groups including the Christian Council of Korea, Korea Retired General and Admirals Association, and Korea Veterans Association.
