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Nuclear Test Consequences In Works

Posted October. 05, 2006 07:12,   


On October 4, South Korea and the U.S. decided that North Korea is likely to run nuclear tests and embarked on preparing prevention measures, as well as response measures in case the test takes place.

In particular, the U.S. Intelligence authorities allegedly obtained intelligence that North Korea may conduct nuclear test as early as within a week.

South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun presided over security-related ministers’ meeting after directing “Deal with this issue cool-headedly but resolutely”. President Roh made that direction after being briefed over the result of minister-level security policy coordination meeting, which was held at Cheong Wa Dae on the morning of October 4.

Through the statement released by the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the South Korean government said, “South Korea is very concerned and sorry about North Korea’s announcement to conduct a nuclear test, which is to scrap Joint Declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean peninsula altogether.” and made it clear, “If North Korea enforces nuclear test, it will have to take full responsibility for all the results stemming from the test.”

The South Korean government has issued unusually strong warning against the North because it concluded in the consultation with the U.S. that North Korea is highly likely to enforce nuclear test.

South Korean Defense Minister, Yoon Kwang-ung presented at the joint meeting of Unification, Foreign Affairs & Trade Committee and National Defense Committee, which was held at the National Assembly and said, “ We are now preparing measures with high possibility of the North’s nuclear test in mind.”

Minister of Unification, Lee Jong-seok also said in the same meeting, “If six party talks will not resume soon, we believe that there is high possibility of North Korea’s nuclear test. Although North Korea’s announcement of conducting nuclear test was made partly from its brinkmanship but at the same time it is also very possible that it will not end as just bluffing.

It is reported that the South Korean government is reviewing its measures to stop Mt. Geumgang Tourism project and Gaesong Industrial Complex project under the guideline, “measures to deal with North Korea in case of North’s nuclear test,” prepared by the National Security Committee (NSC) to deal with possible North Korea’s nuclear test.

gun43@donga.com mhpark@donga.com