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Union Group Agenda Is Labor Reform

Posted September. 25, 2006 07:04,   


The New Rights’ Confederation of Trade Unions, which was launched to create a new type of labor movement, announced five action plans to achieve this goal. The action plans include the ideological reformation of management and labor, social integration and harmony between management and labor, reinforcement of people’s attachment to working place, creating job opportunities, and making first-class products and first-class global companies.

This action plan was announced during its inauguration ceremony in the presence of politicians such as Kang Jae-sup, chairman of the main opposition Grand National Party (GNP), Lee Jae-oh, senior member of GNP, Lee Myung-bak, the former mayor of Seoul, and Shin Kook-hwan, co-chair of People First Party, and people from civic and labor groups such as Kim Jin-hong, chairman of the New Rights Union, Baek Heon-gi, secretary general of Federation of Korean Trade Unions, and Lee Seok-yeon, co-chairman of the Lawyers for Citizens.

Chairman of the New Rights’ Confederation of Trade Unions Kwon Yong-mok, who has served as the first secretary general of Korean Confederation of Trade Union, said, “Our goal is to create more job opportunities so that workers can concentrate on their work without anxiety to be fired,” adding, “Since the increase of companies’ profit paves the way for economic growth which will lead to more job opportunities to workers, I think we should view capitalists not as a enemy but as a friend.”

Kwon also said, “Since the collapse of socialist camp, the global market has rapidly expanded and international competition in the market has been much harsher than ever before. Under such circumstances, if the current pattern of Korea’s labor movement continues, there will be no place the labor can stand in the future.”

Kim Jin-hong, chairman of the New Rights Union, also said at his speech, “The labor movement has been accepted as a rough struggle. However, now is the time to change such movement so that labor and management work together.”

Lee Myung-bak, the former mayor of Seoul, delivered a congratulatory speech during the ceremony, which drew a great deal of attention because Lee was president of Hyundai Engine Industry when Kwon was fired in 1988 while working as president of trade union of this company.

Lee said, “Kwon said that true rights of workers can be guaranteed by more job opportunities. I found bright future of this country from this remarks,” adding, “Today is historical day to lay the groundwork for new labor history.”

The New Rights’ Confederation of Trade Unions has 23 branch offices including Seoul, Busan, and Daegu and have approximately 1,500 union members including Lee Won-gun, the former president of Hyundai Heavy Industry labor union, Yang Jae-heon, the former president of Korea Electric Power Corporation headquarter labor union, and Ju Dong-sik, the former president of the Korea Nuclear Fuel Industry labor union.
