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Researchers Develop DNA Gel Therapy

Posted September. 25, 2006 07:04,   


Young Korean scientists studying in the U.S. have developed a groundbreaking drug delivery substance without resistance. Researchers Eom Sung-ho (32), Lee Jong-beom (30) and Park No-gyeong (34), PhD candidates at the Life Science Department of Cornell University, announced on September 24 that using the diverse structure of DNA, they developed “DNA gel” that effectively delivers therapeutic substance to cells.

DNA, which contains genetic information of living organism, is in the shape of double helix consisting of thin lines and curves. This shape reflects DNA’s characteristic of transforming itself into the best shape for life activities for itself.

These researchers at Cornell University successfully connected DNA strands to make them semi-solid gel that can carry therapeutic drug ingredients.

Eom, the corresponding author of the thesis, explained, “We put insulin and antibiotics into the gel and injected it to rats; we found out that it showed twice higher efficacy than chemically-compounded drugs, which is because the DNA gel has the structure and characteristic similar to protein that constitutes the human body.”

He also stated, “The self-assembly and information-transmission capabilities of DNA can be utilized not only in novel drugs but also in development of computer chips and biomimetic sensors.” The outcome of the research was published on the September 24 Internet edition of the “Nature Materials,” a sister magazine of British science journal Nature.
