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Electric Workers Declare Strike Plans

Posted September. 04, 2006 06:51,   


Five power generating companies under the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) declared that they will go on all-out strike beginning midnight on September 4. Labor and management of the companies have failed to narrow their differences on critical issues even after having a last-minute negotiation on September 3.

Five power generation companies, KOMIPO, KOSEP, KEWESPO, KOSPO and WP, are producing 58 percent of all domestic electricity. If their strike lasts for a long time, electricity supply would inevitably suffer a serious disruption.

The Korean Power Plant Industry Labor Union, an integrated labor union of the five companies, held an outdoor congregation for victory in their strike in Seoul, and announced the decision.

The union added, “The strike will go on even if the National Labor Relations Commission refers us to legal intervention.”

The Commerce, Industry and Energy Ministry is preparing countermeasures by holding an emergency meeting with presidents of the five power generation companies on that day at Government Complex in Gwacheon.

During the meeting, Lee Won-geol, vice minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy, said, “The labor union’s request for the establishment of an integrated power corporation is not a subject of negotiation between labor and management. Therefore, we cannot give in to them on that matter.”

The Ministry will put some 3,500 alternative workers such as executive employees and retirees into each power generating company when the strike begins to avoid supply disruption.

The Ministry will take stern steps against the strike if it goes on even after the National Labor Relations Commission’s legal intervention by arresting labor executives and applying a “no work no pay” principle to members of the union who participate in the strike.

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