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Conglomerates Announce Hiring Targets

Posted August. 07, 2006 05:52,   


It was reported that local major conglomerates planned to hire about 10,000 new employees in the latter half of this year, which is similar to last year.

According to related sources yesterday, these companies will receive applications (college graduates) from the next month in accordance with announced new employment size of each company.

For example, Samsung Group plans to hire about 4,500 new employees (college graduates). The application process starts early next month.

LG Group also plans to hire about 2,000 new employees in the latter half of this year, including 1,000 of LG Electronics, 200 of LG Philips LCD, and 400 of LG CNS. For Hyundai Kia Motors, 800-1,000 new employees are to be hired, which is similar to last year.

Out of the top four conglomerates, only SK Group hasn’t announced its new employment plan. In regard to this, a source from the company said, “Each affiliated company is studying the demand size of new employment and we will announce our new employment plan at the end of this month.”

sunshade@donga.com mobidic@donga.com