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Newly Elected Lawmakers Targeting Roh

Posted July. 29, 2006 03:00,   


“With the general election approaching, those who were elected as representatives on the back of the presidential impeachment in 2004 have concern. For Chough Soon-hyung, then the leading accuser of presidential impeachment, has made his successful comeback to the political spectrum and as for the Tandol, that amounts to a red card.”

The day after a Democratic candidate Chough was elected in the July 26th by-election, one representative of the ruling party said to reporters about a common concern among the 100 first-time elected Tandols, who fought for the 17th general election amid the impeachment accusation. ‘Tandol’ is another name for representatives who benefited from the presidential impeachment accusation in the 17th general election. Now, they are changing under a new circumstance. After the loss in the May 31 election, a forum among the firstly-elected representatives of the Uri Party was just reminiscent of an indignation meeting. “When we are so incompetent, what does the regaining of the power mean for us? We will have bitter experiences if we only depend on the leadership of the party.”

Some 39 first-time members of the ruling party made an announcement on July 27 that the president and government should no longer ignore the criticism and demand of the people. They have asked the president to take responsibility for the great loss in the July 26 by-election that was held in four districts. On the same day, when they were asked by Dong-A Ilbo about their opinions of whether the president should resign the ruling party or not, most of them responded “I don’t care.”

Rep. Moon Hak-Jin, who is not a first-time representative but was a presidential secretary of the affairs of state in the early days of the Roh administration, appeared on the radio show on July 28 and raised his voice, “If the president does not change at all, I will demand for his resignation. All staff in Cheong Wa Dae sing a ‘Yongbiacheonga,’ an epic that praises the great achievements of the Joseon dynasty.

Kim Hyung-Joon, a professor of political science at the Kookmin University Graduate School, said, “This is a kind of survival strategy resulting from the fears of their early political death with only half of their tenure remaining.”
