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Harvard Students Spend Summer at Ewha

Posted July. 18, 2006 03:27,   


In an afternoon lecture at Ewha Womans University last Thursday, seven Harvard students were studying Korean literature with seven other Ewha students.

The lecturer is Professor David McCann, director of the Korea Institute at Harvard University, who has come to Korea with the students. Professor McCann is an expert on Korea, who has been studying Korea since earning a doctorate in Korean literature from Harvard University in 1976.

They were having an “Ewha-Harvard Summer School” class, which had begun on June 18.

Under the exchange agreement signed by the two universities last August, the Summer School opened this year to allow Harvard University students to study at Ewha Womans University during their summer holidays.

This is the first time for Harvard students to take classes at a Korean university and earn credits that are recognized at their school back home.

Although none of the seven visiting Harvard students major in Korean studies, all of them exhibited great interest in Korea.

They listened intently to Professor McCann’s lecture as he explained about various stories that appear in Korean literature.

The students were keen to learn not only about Korean literature but also about the culture and education of Korea.

“I am so into Korean dramas these days. I came to Korea to learn more about the country,” sociology major Eloise Quintanilla (20) said.

“Before I came to Korea, I read the New York Times and watched CNN and thought Korea was on the verge of war. So I was a little nervous to come here, but it is quite strange to see Koreans so peaceful,” said Omid Shahi (19) who majors in Economics.

The students will take lectures in literature, politics, art and women’s studies taught by Professor McCann and other professors at Ewha Womans University until July 29 with seven Ewha students, before going back to the U.S. on July 30.
