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Red Tape Delaying Flood Relief Aid

Posted July. 18, 2006 03:27,   


The distribution of reserve funds for emergency expenses is being delayed due to formalities, aggravating the pain of the residents in flood-stricken areas.

According to the audit of the Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) on distribution of reserve funds on 10 cases of natural disasters from 2004 to 2005, it took an average of 39.8 days from the day that the disaster occurred to the actual day of distribution.

Moreover, it took 6.3 days on average on cases that the National Assembly approved.

“It certainly is a problem when it takes 6.3 days on average when it can be done in a day,” said a representative of BAI, pointing to one case among the ten cases in the last two years when it only took one day to be distributed.

This is included in the BAI report given to GNP lawmaker Kim Hee-jung, member of the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts.

According to the report, the president’s ratification after the National Assembly’s approval is a simple administrative procedure that can be done swiftly.

The report also pointed out that an average of 33.5 days it took to be referred to the State Council can also be drastically reduced.

A good example is in March 2004, when it took only 5 days to deliver the fund after the approval of the State Council and ratification from the president.

Dong-Yong Min mindy@donga.com