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Dokdo Tensions Escalate Over Surveys

Posted July. 03, 2006 03:28,   


It was reported that the Japanese government would conduct ocean environment examination in water off Dokdo in response to the Korean government’s planned examination of ocean currents at the same area. This is expected to culminate in a collision between the two countries.

With "Haeyang 2000," a 2500-ton observation ship belonging to National Oceanographic Research Institute, the Korean researchers plan to check water temperature, salt, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and pH, among others, in waters off Dokdo.

After noticing that the Japanese government was considering an ocean environment examination at the same area to show its critical attitude towards Korea’s planned examination, the Korean government is preparing to respond with stern actions.

A government official said yesterday, “If the Japanese ship conducts ocean environment examinations in waters off Dokdo, which is Korea’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the Korean government has no choice but to capture the ships or use physical interception.”

Another government official also added, “Japan’s argument that the EEZ boundary line between two the countries is between Dokdo and Ulleungdo is completely absurd. We will not let the Japanese ship examine waters off Dokdo at any cost.”

Myoung-Gun Lee gun43@donga.com