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Departure Card Requirement Abolished

Posted July. 03, 2006 03:28,   


From August 1, Koreans who are leaving Korea don’t have to fill in a departure card, which is compulsory now for all Koreans.

The Ministry of Justice announced yesterday, “From next month, Koreans may depart without filling in departure cards and documented foreigners also don’t have to turn in arrival cards when they enter Korea.”

For smooth operation, the Ministry of Justice plans to start this new system from July 10 at Gimpo Airport on a trial basis.

In fact, for Koreas who return after visiting other countries and visitors who depart from Korea, arrival and departure card filling was already abolished from November 2005.

However, when it comes to undocumented foreigners, arrival cards which were filled in by them when entering Korea are valid because they are fundamental documents when judging their extension of stay and qualification for stay, as well as management of their relevant records and immigration control.

A source from Ministry of Justice said, “Since November 2005, Koreans were allowed not to fill in arrival cards, the check-in and check-out time has been curtailed by 20 percent,” adding, “We expect that this new system save more time.”

Meanwhile, in conjunction with the implementation of special act for Jeju’s special self-governing district, the Ministry of Justice decided to increase number of nationalities who can enter Korea without visa from 169 to 180.

In addition to this, the Ministry of Justice plans to create measures to support Jeju’s special self-governing district project, which includes the extension of the stay period of overseas professionals such as IT experts and industrial investors up to five years.

Nationals who are allowed to enter Jeju without a visa now include China, India, Mongolia, Philippines, Vietnam, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, among others.
