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Most Germans Say Brazil Will Win Cup

Posted June. 05, 2006 03:16,   


A majority of Germans believe Brazil will be the winners of the upcoming World Cup. A survey compiled by ARD television network in Germany showed that 54% of the respondents predicted Brazil’s victory.

Only 10% thought Germany will be the champions, while Italy and Argentina were each favored by 4% of the respondents. 21% of the Germans believed their nation will make it to the finals, and 14% thought they will not even get past the second round.


Wayne Rooney, the English national soccer team’s striker who is recovering from an injury, has resumed training. According to reports, Rooney has started to practice kicking the ball with both feet, increasing the odds of him playing for the World Cup.

Rooney had injured his right foot during a league match in April, and received the diagnosis that he may not be able to play in the group matches. England must make the choice by June 9 on whether he should remain in the roster or should be replaced by another player.


Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who once made the controversial statement “The Holocaust was made up,” has hinted that he may visit Germany for the World Cup.

According to a report on June 4, President Ahmadinejad said, “I will try to visit Germany if Iran makes it to the second round.”

Back in February, President Ahmadinejad had implied that the Holocaust was a fictional event, spurring calls for Iran’s expulsion from the World Cup. Due to the controversy the Iranian government had announced soon after that “the President will not visit Germany during the World Cup period.”

Sung-Won Joo swon@donga.com