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U.S. Denies Visas to Korean Protesters

Posted June. 02, 2006 04:27,   


The U.S. Washington Police said on May 31 that it was preparing for Korean protests against the free trade agreement (FTA) talks between South Korea and the U.S., scheduled to be held around the White House and Capitol Hill this weekend.

A source in the police said that a police team in charge of protest is getting ready for this weekend. The source went on to say, “The Washington Police is prepared to deal with demonstrations whenever they occur.”

The authorities are reported to be examining a protest application submitted by a Korean group against the FTA, and expected to approve it.

Around two hundred people from 70 U.S. groups against FTAs are also expected to participate in the demonstration around Lafayette Square near the White House on June 4.

Meanwhile, Reuters reported, quoting a source from a Korean group against the FTA, “The U.S. government rejected U.S. visa applications of about 150 Korean protesters.”

Seung-Ryun Kim srkim@donga.com