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Mobile Phone Game Competition Heats Up

Posted May. 13, 2006 06:54,   


“Enjoy HD games on mobile phones anytime, anywhere!” Mobile games for cell phones have drawn much attention, and such games are currently displayed at E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), held in Los Angeles, California.

New games at the exhibition are not simple mobile games like shooting gun games or games involving ducking obstacles; they are HD games played on game consoles or PCs. Now these games are available on mobile phones thanks to the ever advancing functionality of mobile handsets.

Another factor is that the game industry has its eyes on the most widely distributed digital device, the mobile phone, as its new “blue ocean” market. In particular, the Expo introduced many HD games linked to movies or celebrities.

U.S. video game maker Gameloft introduced “Jewel Jam,” a mobile game modeled after Paris Hilton, the actress and heiress of the Hilton Hotel chain. Ms. Hilton appeared at the exhibition hall to sign autographs as part of the promotion of the new game on May 11, creating a mob scene around the Gameloft booth for about two hours.

Nokia, the world’s first mobile phone maker, also exhibited a variety of games that can be enjoyed on a cell phone in a separate booth. Korean game makers displayed their games in a joint display section under the theme of the “Power of Korea Game.”

Domestic game developer Gamevil, which established a branch office in Los Angeles last March, launched aggressive overseas marketing by presenting four new games including “Burst Rally.” WOW4M’s “Elsewhere” and E3Net’s “Piling Coins” also attracted attention from spectators. Japanese game makers Capcom and Namco and U.S. Electronic Arts also pitched their products in their separate mobile game PR sections.

Jeong Seong-eun, director of Gamevil, said, “Korean games are getting much attention as the Korean game industry has an edge in the mobile game industry.”

Jae-Young Kim jaykim@donga.com igelau@gamedonga.co.kr