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GNP Chair: Shakeup Is Not the Answer

Posted May. 10, 2006 02:59,   


Chairperson Park Geun-hye of the Grand National Party said during the Gwanhun Club forum held in the Korea Press Center on May 9, “If the ruling party forcibly pushes ahead with a political shakeup after the May 31 local elections, it will not be able to avoid the judgment of the public.”

To the question if she thinks the ruling party will take “a special measure” when it lost in the local elections, Park responded, “Politics behaves like a living creature, so there could be a huge move. But people would not support the political party when it tries to realign the political circle instead of making soul-searching efforts reflecting on the election results.”

Park also claimed, “This election is the one and only opportunity to correct the current administration’s misgovernment. And it also serves as an opportunity to take stock of the pledges made by the Roh government.”

Regarding the “leftist neo-liberalism,” which president Roh mentioned, she said, “I still don’t know what he was talking about. This administration is very confusing as it tries to turn right while turning on the left turn light.”

As to the ruling party’s railroading of bills, including the recall system bill in cooperation with opposition parties including the Democratic Labor Party (DLP) at the April special session, Park said, “The political tactics employed by DLP are lamentable. The DLP would be better off if it merged with the ruling party.”

Jung-Eun Lee lightee@donga.com